The Black Monk, By Anton Chekhov (1894)

 The Black Monk, By Anton Chekhov

Rating : 7.5/10

It was little longer than other short stories, but the development was good to concentrate. I thought about why Covrin could see the black monk alone. I think it was because of his illness. The monk said Covrin is a genius, but he is too sacrifising his body and the monk felt pity of Covrin.

The quote of external life and enjoyment also reminded me. I think Covrin was enjoying his life with Tanya, but after Tanya treated him, his life was not filled up with enjoyment. So this might be the reason that the black monk appeared again at the hotel, and Covrin died with a smile. I think Covrin knew that he will die and that was the reason why he was smiling when he was dead. (129 words)


  1. I read this long ago - but the question of whether the Monk actually exists or not makes the story interesting and entirely philosophical. The mind plays tricks on itself for many reasons, and there is some Freudian stuff in here to consider. Lots of stuff on Youtube where people debate this story!


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